Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason! It is a celebrity-approved facial treatment that can transform ageing, acne-prone, scarred, and uneven skin tone. As a painless alternative to the injection of chemicals, laser and other invasive procedures, cosmetic acupuncture is relaxing and 100% natural. You may be asking, what

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Perimenopause, Menopause and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Are you experiencing irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping at night, mood swings and approaching your forties? You may be approaching perimenopause or menopause. Menopause is a natural process that occurs when a woman stops having periods permanently and cannot become pregnant naturally. Perimenopause means ‘around menopause’ and indicates the time in which

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Get To Know Our New Practitioner, Michelle!

We are delighted to introduce you to you one of the newest members of the Gardenvale TCM team, Michelle! Michelle is an extremely passionate and knowledgeable practitioner that and we are thrilled to have join our team. Michelle is a registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist. Michelle’s commitment to incorporating both traditional and modern knowledge encouraged

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Moxa: What Is It And How Does It Work?

That persistent Melbourne cold loves to make its way into our bodies and lodge deep into our muscles and channels. Feeling creaky and stiff in the morning? Cold fingers and toes? Slow digestion? You may have Cold in your channels.  Cold can also make its way into our bodies through diet: raw, cold, and energetically cold foods (such

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Meet The Newest Member of Gardenvale TCM, Liah!

We are so please to introduce you to the newest member of the Gardenvale TCM team, Liah! Liah brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our community and we are excited to have her join the team this month. Liah is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner and Dispenser. Liah’s commitment to fusing the

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TCM Tips To Survive In Winter

We tend to be more susceptible to colds during winter, as the wind and cold can force our immune system to work harder than it is used to. The nature of cold is slow and constricting and this can occur on a physiological level as it constricts our blood vessels and impacts circulation, leading to

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recommended intake The below is also explained in each tab; The Australian dietary guidelines recommend 5-6 serves of veggies per day and on average most adults only have 2.5 serves. So what is a serving size? A standard serving size is about 75g which equates to: 1/2 cup cooked green or orange veggies (broccoli, spinach,

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Fruity Baked Oats

Need some breakfast inspiration? Our nutritionist Margo White has created fruity baked oats that the whole family can enjoy! Ingreadients 2 cups oats 2 cups milk (coconut, almond, cows, soy) 1 tsp cinnamon 2 eggs I grated zucchini (extra nutrition and you can’t taste it) 2 tbsp hemp seeds 1 mashed banana 1/4 cup maple

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Simple 3 Ingredient Sugar Free Crepes

Spice up your weekend breakfast with these simple sugar free 3 ingredient crepes. Ingredients 110g flour/GF flour 2 Large eggs 230 mls milk Method Whisk flour and eggs into a large mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Gradually pour in the milk while whisking – this should create a lovely pourable batter. Heat large frypan

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BBT Charting: Why we use it at Gardenvale TCM

What is a BBT Chart: Basal Body Temperature (BBT) charting was first identified in the 1930s as a rhythm method of birth control. With the addition of monitoring cervical fluid and cervical positioning, the rhythm method of contraception upheld a 98% success rate.  This newfound fertility awareness opened up a wealth of information to increase

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Supercharged Meatballs

Cooking Tips & Tricks For Supercharged Meatballs Tips on how to make your meatballs superfood worthy (and extra delicious): Use almond meal as your binding agent for gluten free balls and blood sugar stabilisation Add bone broth powder and grass fed gelatine for gut support A pinch of seaweed flakes adds important trace minerals, such

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Let’s Talk Meal/Food Prep

Lets talk meal/food prep… How many times have you caught yourself snacking non-stop throughout the day, never feeling satisfied, or being in too much of a rush to prepare a proper meal making you opt for an easier and less nutritious option? It happens to the best of us. But, an easy fix is meal

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Tongue Diagnosis

We have discussed Pulse Diagnosis so we thought why not touch on Tongue Diagnosis. Tongue Diagnosis is another tool used in a TCM consultation to reveal how the body is functioning. As you can tell by the image, when looking at the tongue we look at its colour, shape, coating and movements. These characteristics highlight

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The Pulse

Each and every consultation with our practitioners involves them feeling your pulses. But why do they do this? The pulse is a very important diagnostic tool in TCM. As you can see in the photo above, Nick has 3 fingers placed over the pulse. This is because of the three sections of the pulse, Cun

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Festive goji berry bliss balls

These delicious bliss balls are the perfect snack to bring to a festive gathering. Goji berries are high in antioxidants, especially zeaxanthin which helps the eyes. They contain large amounts of vitamins A and C, which together with the antioxidants help the immune system. They also contain beta-carotene, which is known for its ability to

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Apple Muffins

Super easy and nutritious apple and cinnamon gluten free muffins. Ingredients 3 eggs 2 apples 3 Tbs maple syrup 1/2 tsp natural vanilla extract 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 cup almond meal 1 tsp gluten free baking powder Method Pre heat oven to 170 C Combine ingredients in blender/food processor Pour combined ingredients into a

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Tips for surviving hay fever season

We have been having lots of patients coming through the clinic recently with Hay Fever symptoms. So, we have a few tips to survive the hay fever season: Hydrate Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration places significant stress on the body which may exacerbate hay fever symptoms. Avoid the wind

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Smoothie bowl

This delicious smoothie is a gut loving bowl full of vitamin C and antioxidants. You can be as creative as you like with toppings. You have the option of an additional sweetener. However the bananas and berries will make it sweet enough without. Ingredients 1/2 cups frozen berries Handful of kale or baby spinach leaves

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Coconut Kefir yoghurt

Kefir contains up to 62 strains of yeast and bacteria including the probiotic bacteria lactobacilli. These are all an important part of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. This in turn can assist with: Gastrointestinal disorders, Weight management, Immune modulation and, has been shown to assist with suppressing the bodies inflammatory response to allergies and asthma.

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Breaking the Fast

The importance of gut health Break the fast with this protein rich vegetable slice curtesy of the Natural Nutritionist  along with some cooked and cooled rice made with coconut milk. Cooking and cooling the rice creates resistant starch which is so important for our gut health. The added coconut milk will provide us with healthy

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Warming Winter Slow Cooker Oats

For an easy start to the day try this recipe. It is full of fibre, antioxidants, and anti inflammatory properties. Cinnamon’s warming properties will help nourish your kidneys. While the oats, apples and flaxseed will provide you with fibre perfect for feeding and stimulating the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. You can be

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COVID-19 New Protocols

We are open for acupuncture appointments! To keep you safe, happy and healthy we have introduced some extra measures in clinic and wanted to share them with you. New protocols include: One person only in the waiting room. People are to wait outside until ushered in. Everyone who enters is required to sanitise there hands.

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Immune Support

Sleep Research has shown that a good nights sleep will assist with many health concerns including immune support.  In Chinese medicine we talk about sleep being yin in nature. Sleep allows: Our body to restore Our organs to relax Allows the blood to fill through the muscles It allows our nervous system to calm down

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Huang Qi (Astragalus) Miso Soup

This nourishing miso soup with astragalus will help to to support your immune system. In Chinese medicine Huang Qi (Astragalus) root is a herbal tonic used to strengthen qi. While miso traditionally made from fermented soya beans, contains probiotic bacteria to support a healthy gut. Ingredients: 2 Cups of (bone broth, veggie broth) 4-5 slices

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Anti Inflammatory Food Guide

Foods rich in anti oxidants, (fight free radicles, preventing oxidative stress and cell damage within the body) and omega-3 fatty acids, may help many anti inflammatory conditions. Eat Less of Processed foods Deep fried foods Refined sugar  Alcohol Eat More of Dark leafy greens – Kale, Bok choy, Brussel Sprouts. full of anti oxidants.  and

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Antioxidant Breaky

A dairy free antioxidant breaky. One you can easily prepare in advance for those busy mornings. Ingredients 1/4 cup coconut milk (or your choice) 1/4 cup Coconut yogurt 2 TBS chia seeds 1/2 tsp ground turmeric pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds Blueberries Strawberries Method Pour milk into jar or cup of choice Mix in chia seeds

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How does acupuncture work

How does acupuncture work? This is a question I get a fair bit, especially after people see how effective it is for assisting with symptoms of pain. It is all about Qi and healthy blood flow Qi represents healthy oxygenated blood flowing through your body.  If you have a healthy movement of Qi, you should

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Festive Eating Guide

The festive eating season is here yet again. So let’s talk about an issue very close to my stomach, and that’s over eating. It’s not uncommon during this period to eat until we are feeling physically unwell. What can I do to avoid the trauma of overindulgence? It is hard during the festive eating season

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Healthy breath healthy body

Something I get asked a lot in clinic is what can I do at at home to help with stress, pain due to injury, gut issues perhaps? The answer is healthy breathing. Dr Belisa Vranich has a great book ‘Breathe’ that goes in to detail on how breathing works. How to retrain yourself to breathe

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Unprocessed Wheat Free Snack

These delicious lemon and coconut balls are wheat free, and are the perfect unprocessed snack for afternoon tea, or for a lunchbox treat. Ingredients 1 1/4 cups of almond meal 1 1/2 cups of desiccated coconut 4 tbsp melted coconut oil 2 tbsp rice malt syrup 1 lemon zest and juice extra coconut for rolling

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Male Menopause

Hi it’s Jane and Nick from Gardenvale Chinese Medicine. When it comes to menopause, we women have to deal with dry, irritated vaginas, night sweats, irritability and so forth… I thought male menopause meant you get to date young girls and drive motorbikes. But Nick would like to talk to us today about this very

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Sleep Hygiene

Hi it’s Jane and Nick from Gardenvale Chinese Medicine. A lot of our patients have problems when it comes to sleeping, either problems falling asleep, or trouble staying asleep.

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