Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene Hi it’s Jane and Nick from Gardenvale Chinese Medicine. A lot of our patients have problems when it comes to sleeping, either problems falling asleep, or trouble staying asleep. Today we thought we would share some tips and tricks for good sleep hygiene. It’s a bit of a buzz word lately, “sleep hygiene”,

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DIY Nasal Wash

Method Use boiled water to make sure it’s sterile. Add enough salt to make it a similar strength to seawater. Here you can use a traditional neti pot or a syringe or even Tupperware sauce bottle Gently pour in one nostril at a time

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Spring Eating

Spring foods Chinese Medicine strongly believes in eating according to the season for optimal digestion. In warmer weather  you can enjoy more cooling foods, whilst in cooler weather you should eat more warming foods. In spring the weather is still relatively cool, so we encourage you try and eat more warming and pungent foods such

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Preventative Hay Fever Tips

Spring It’s that time of year when the sun starts shining, and the wind starts blowing, and our clinic gets busy with hay fever suffers. More and more we hear people saying they “…never used to get hayfever”, or “it never used to be that bad”. So why is it getting worse? Well, according to

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Menopause, a Chinese medicine perspective!

Menopause As women, we will have approximately 500 periods in our lifetime. Our periods begin between the ages of 10-18. We continue to menstruate until menopause (the change of life) begins at the age of 45-55. Menopause represents a hormonal change in the female physiological process. Certain levels of hormones such as oestrogen will not

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Men’s Health

Here is a little something about how sperm is made, some tips so you can make it better for conception, some advice so you can avoid conception and a joke. How is sperm made? Sperm are made in the male gonads (testes). These organs hang outside the scrotum as sperm like to be kept a

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Super Sperm Smoothie

Ingreadients 2 table spoons of cacao (high in Largine) Handful of walnuts  (high in omega 3) Goji berries (high in antioxidants) 3g MACA root veg (enhances and regulates hormones) Banana (Vit B and magnesium) Almond milk or coconut water Method Blend ingredients together and enjoy  

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Let’s talk about sex… and baby making.

We spend most of lives in fear of getting pregnant, but now it’s now time to clear up some questions about the birds and the bees. Please send through any other questions you have, there is no such thing as a silly question. When should we have sex? Most women who I see have been

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The Pill

At the clinic, I meet lots of young girls who have been put on the oral contraceptive pill (referred to as the pill from here). I also meet lots more women who want to come off the pill after being on it from since they were teenagers and are now in their 30’s and want

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Cauliflower Rice

Ingredients: 1 head of cauliflower 1 tsp olive oil Method: If grating then cut the cauliflower into large pieces. Grate the cauliflower on the large side of the cheese grater, or pulse in a food processor until it is rice size Remove excess water by transferring cauliflower to paper towel and squeeze/press Heat a large

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Slow Cooked Chinese Beef with Star Anise

As the colder months fast approach it is time to eat foods that will warm and moisten our bodies in order to support and nurture our digestive system. Ingredients 1 1/4 kg chuck steak (beef) fat trimmed 3 tbs oilve oil 2 onions One bunch broccolini 200g mushrooms 1 Zucchini chopped 1 carrots, sliced into

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When you are reaching for your next coffee, perhaps stop and ask yourself “what is your body really trying to tell you?” If you’re tired and looking for an energy boost, I suggest you try 15 minutes of lying down with your eyes closed, that’s what I do. Alternatively, try a five minute walk with some deep belly breathing. Oxygen always helps fatigue.

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Nick and Jane talk over hydration Simple tips and tricks to keep hydrated and to be aware not to drink too much.

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Exercise and your menstrual cycle

For ladies who like to exercise in a more vigorous (yang) style, it may be important to tailor your exercise program with your menstrual cycle to improve your health. Below is an outline of what is happening to your body during your cycle, and how to exercise to help avoid injury and maintain good health.

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Watermelon Salad

In summer it is important to eat cooling foods. These will encourage energy and activity, and can combat the summer heat. This salad is perfect for cooling down with it’s mix of watermelon, cucumber and mint. These are all known for their heat clearing properties. Ingredients 1 kg Watermelon cubed 1 Cucumber cubed 1 cup

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Alcohol attracts a lot of attention, especially at this time of year. In Australia, we are known for binge drinking. European’s sip on it before a meal, and it is banned in the Middle East. In China, it has been used socially and medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, alcohol was first brewed in

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Bone Broth

Bone broth is rich with minerals and proteins. These assist to strengthen joints and muscles, as well as reduce any inflammation. In addition, collagen is responsible for healing the lining of the gut and will strengthen the digestive system as well as increase metabolism. The immune system will also be strengthened as collagen promotes the

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Over Indulgence Tea

After the overindulgent festive season, many people ask about Chinese herbal medicine to assist with weight loss. Weight loss herbs selected will generally: Tonify spleen qi, Increase your energy, Enhance your immune system and Eliminate phlegm and dampness from the body. Herbs are selected according to your pulse and tongue diagnosis. However, a generic tea

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Lotus Root Stir-fry

This stir-fry is perfect for spring. For this time of year steaming, stir frying or sautéing vegetables rather then baking is preferable. This will ensure food maintains it’s spring vitality. Spring is the season of the liver. The sesame oil will help to strengthen and calm the liver while the mushrooms will help support digestion.

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Calf Injuries and the World Cup

A Chinese Medicine Perspective on Calf Injuries World Cup fever is here, with the final fast approaching, combined with school holidays, families are outside kicking soccer balls around. It is wonderful to see. The downside of all the activity, is the possibility of calf injuries, for example.  the gastrocnemius muscle (calf muscle) is a muscle located at the

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Warming Vegie Chilli

This warming vegie chilli (meat option included) is perfect for winter. Warmer foods are easier to digest and  encourage your body to heal. Ingredients 2 medium onions (chopped) 2 cloves garlic (chopped) 2 medium carrots (chopped) 2 sticks celery (chopped) 2 red peppers (chopped) 250g mushrooms (chopped) 1 cup of Kale (chopped) olive oil 1.5 teaspoon chilli powder 1.5 teaspoon

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Acupressure For Labour Pain

In addition to acupuncture, Chinese Medicine includes a range of treatment options including herbal medicine, diet therapy, cupping and acupressure. Acupressure involves the stimulation of acupuncture points by fingers, hands and elbows. Acupressure can be applied at home to keep up momentum in between treatments. Acupressure can also be used by partners to help their

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Warming Conjee

Barack Obama only wears grey or blue suits, Mark Zuckerberg wears the same grey t-shirt every day, and I eat the same breakfast every day. By doing this I beat what psychologist call “decision fatigue”. I pop my slow cooker on most nights, knowing that I will wake up to a nourishing and nutritional breakfast.

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All about auricular acupuncture

At Gardenvale Chinese Medicine, we sometimes use ear seeds as an adjunct to acupuncture. An adhesive plaster with a small bead is placed over the acupuncture points on the external surface of the ear. Ear seeds can also be great for children or if you would prefer not to have needles. Most of you will be

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Acupuncture for lower back pain

Acupuncture for lower back pain.  Demonstrated by an acupuncturist who gets it. Acupuncture does not always have to be local or the site of the pain. Points are used distally or in different areas of the body. This can render a better result for pain relief.  This treatment can avoid having to take clothes off

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Making Chinese Herbal Medicine

Have you ever wondered how your herbs are made? This is a short time-lapse video. It shows Nick making up a unique herbal formula, for one of his clients in the dispensary at Gardenvale Chinese Medicine. For more videos you can visit our YouTube channel here.

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Superfood Salad

This vibrant salad is delicious, healthy and very easy to make. Ingredients such as lettuce, kale and spinach are rich in soluble fibre which is essential for good digestion. These greens also contain lots of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, iron, magnesium and potassium. Serves 4 Ingredients: 250g kale or cos lettuce Pinch of sea salt

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Rice-Paper Rolls

Rice-paper rolls are one of our favourite dinner and lunch box solutions. Wrapped in pliable rice-paper sheets you can make rockin’ rolls with any fillings you or your family fancy, and to suit any season. Here is a delicious Vietnamese inspired recipe with mint and minced pork. The pork can easily be replaced with minced chicken or

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Whole Roasted Cauliflower

Ingredients: 1 large head of cauliflower 3 tbs coconut oil, melted 1 tsp sea salt 2 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp sweet paprika 2 tsp ground coriander 1/2C tahini, plus extra for drizzling 1 handful parsley, finely chopped A squeeze of lemon juice Lightly toasted pine nuts, to serve Method: Preheat oven to 170ºC. Line

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Eat the Banana

Nick discusses why cooked and warming food is recommended over raw food. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine cold and raw food can stress the gut. especially in cold and damp weather. For more videos you can visit our YouTube channel here.

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain in can present in many different areas and with varying intensity.  Chronic pain, usually present for a number of months, is often the result a specific injury, such as: lower back muscle strain or disc damage arthritis sciatic pain nerve impingement But it also might happen because of a treatment or procedure. An

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Blue Eye Trevalla with Green Beans

To make this a more filling main meal, add this delicious sesame salad. Ingredients: 3tbs lemon juice 6tbs extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, crushed 1tbs lemon thyme leaves 300g green beans, trimmed 4 blue eye trevalla steaks 2tbs light olive oil Method: Mix the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, garlic and lemon thyme together in

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Sesame salad

This light and tasty salad is great on its own or when added to a main, such as our blue eye trevalla with green beans recipe! Ingredients: 4tbs olive oil 1tbs soy sauce 1tsp sesame oil 2tbs lime juice 1tsp sugar 1tsp finely grated fresh ginger 20 snow peas, trimmed 140g oyster mushrooms, quartered 30g coriander

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Asian Infused Swordfish with Greens

Ingredients: 300g assorted Asian greens such as bok choy, choy sum, snow peas or bean shoots 4 swordfish steaks 4 stems coriander 8 kaffir lime leaves 4 stalks lemongrass, halved 4 green chillies, sliced Pepper and lime to serve Method: Line 4 bamboo steamers with non-stick baking paper and allow paper to generously overhang steamers

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Chilli Con Carne

The herbs in this dish clear the lungs and the digestive system. The beef and beans warm and build yin. Serves 4 Ingredients: 500g borlotti beans, soaked overnight and drained 300g steak, chopped into small cubes 2 onions, chopped 3 bay leaves 2tbs olive oil 500g tomatoes, peeled and chopped 3 okra, sliced pinch of

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Salmon and watercress salad

Watercress is perfect in autumn as it strengthens your lungs, Qi and Yin. It can help relieve a dry, sore throat, phlegmy coughs, restlessness and even grumpiness. Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 salmon fillets, skin off 600g potatoes 150g flat beans, trimmed, cut into 4cm lengths 2 medium zucchinis, trimmed 1 bunch watercress, leaves picked 1tbs

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