What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture uses very fine needles into different areas in the body to engage a healing response. Acupuncture will attempt to increase blood flow with a particular area and help the brain release pain relieving neurotransmitters and hormones. This will help your body to reduce the affects of stress, pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture has also been shown to release endorphins and hormones which can reduce the affects of prolongs stress and have a relaxing effect.

Acupuncture needles are inserted in the muscles and certain joints of the body. They are normally retained for a period of twenty to thirty minutes. This may vary depending on the treatment strategy. Acupuncture should not be painful or an unpleasant experience. Some points can be initially sensitive but settle shortly afterwards. The sensations of treatment can vary, quite often during treatment the needled area can feel heavy, or numb or can ache slightly.

For more information on acupuncture check our FAQ section.


Your health is of great importance to us. We follow the regulations from the Australian Chinese Medicine Regulations Board. It requires that acupuncture needles purchased are pre sterilised and are single use only. After use, acupuncture needles are disposed of in a hazardous waste container.

Are you experiencing…

  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Lower back ache

The TCM Difference

Trusted Expertise

You can trust you can we will help – with clinical experience, traditional treatments within a modern medical framework

Genuine Care

Feel taken care of – process designed to create a calming, engaging, positive experience

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Our Practitioners

Nick Conquest

Nick is a nationally registered practitioner (AHPRA) of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, and an accredited member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Association (AACMA).

Nick has studied under Professor Zheng at the College of TCM in Melbourne, completed an internship program at the Hubei Chinese Medicine Hospital in Wuhan, China, and completed a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the University of Western Sydney, focusing on chronic illness and women’s health.

Nick’s time in China was spent working within the Acupuncture Department and the Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Internal Medical Departments.

Nick has a keen interest in helping with the management of:

  • Musculoskeletal injury
  • Chronic pain e.g. back and neck pain
  • Joint pain e.g. Arthritis, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis
  • Period pains and hormonal cramping


Michelle McNeil

Michelle is a registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist who practices with warmth and attention.

She completed her studies in Melbourne at the Southern School of Natural Therapies, and completed an internship at the Tzu Chi Hospital in Taipei.

In addition to formal studies, Michelle has undertaken multiple internships with a few of Australia’s leading TCM practitioners.

Michelle approaches healing from an integrative perspective, encouraging the body’s systems to heal itself, while also incorporating movement, meals and lifestyle habits into her treatment plans. 

 She holds special interest in helping patients with: 

  • Neurological disorders
  • Sleep and mental health
  • Musculoskeletal injuries & Chronic pain
  • Women’s health


Liah Tsostros

Liah is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner and Dispenser, and holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Southern School of Natural Therapies. 

Liah believes the human body has the ability to regulate itself and acupuncture facilitates this natural healing process without serious side effects.

With a thorough understanding of Chinese herbs, Liah is capable of assessing and dispensing a wide array of medicines to offer individualised prescriptions.

Liah’s passions lie in:

  • Immune health
  • Mental health
  • Pain management
  • Digestive issues


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