Learn about all things related to traditional Chinese medicine theories, treatment methods and modalities.

Acupressure For Labour Pain

In addition to acupuncture, Chinese Medicine includes a range of treatment options including herbal medicine, diet therapy, cupping and acupressure. Acupressure involves the stimulation of acupuncture points by fingers, hands and elbows. Acupressure can be applied at home to keep up momentum in between treatments. Acupressure can also be used by partners to help their

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Acupuncture & Stress

Acupuncture….the best stress hack!????????? If you have been keeping up to date on our insightful blogs, we recently talked about what stress is, and how it impacts our health. Some ways stress impacts us are good, like if you are being chased by a tiger. Some of them are bad if that tiger chases you

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Acupuncture and High Blood Pressure

Acupuncture and High Blood Pressure Hypertension affects 25% of the adult population… worldwide! Medical treatment can include drugs such as blockers or inhibitors. However, these can cause side-effects that  impact your daily wellbeing. Common side effects include: fatigue, weight changes, cold limbs, dizziness, and developing other conditions. More research is being conducted on the use

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Acupuncture for Headaches

Headaches can be a pain in the…… The reasons why we get headaches seems like a never ending list: The good news is, acupuncture is an excellent thing to do to help with your headaches. Interestingly a number of acupuncture points will can reduce headaches even if the cause of them is unclear. Some points are so

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Acupuncture for IVF

How can acupuncture be used for IVF? Acupuncture is an exciting option for those undergoing IVF who are looking for some support. Acupuncture may help to improve the chances of conceiving from IVF and support a successful birth. Additionally, it’s an excellent choice for couples who want to avoid the side effects of medication. So,

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Acupuncture for Stiff Joints

Tired of waking up with stiff, achy joints that make simple movements a challenge? Acupuncture might hold the key to unlocking improved joint mobility and relieving discomfort. Let’s explore how acupuncture can help alleviate stiff joints and improve overall joint health. Understanding Stiff Joints: Stiff joints can result from various factors: age, injury, overuse, inflammation,

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Alcohol attracts a lot of attention, especially at this time of year. In Australia, we are known for binge drinking. European’s sip on it before a meal, and it is banned in the Middle East. In China, it has been used socially and medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, alcohol was first brewed in

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Anti Inflammatory Food Guide

Foods rich in anti oxidants, (fight free radicles, preventing oxidative stress and cell damage within the body) and omega-3 fatty acids, may help many anti inflammatory conditions. Eat Less of Processed foods Deep fried foods Refined sugar  Alcohol Eat More of Dark leafy greens – Kale, Bok choy, Brussel Sprouts. full of anti oxidants.  and

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An emotion experienced by most of us at some point in our lives, anxiety is often perceived as a negative force that causes distress. However, it is a complex emotion with a dual nature. While it indeed can be debilitating and harmful, it can also be a catalyst for personal growth, heightened awareness, and improved

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BBT Charting: Why we use it at Gardenvale TCM

What is a BBT Chart: Basal Body Temperature (BBT) charting was first identified in the 1930s as a rhythm method of birth control. With the addition of monitoring cervical fluid and cervical positioning, the rhythm method of contraception upheld a 98% success rate.  This newfound fertility awareness opened up a wealth of information to increase

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Body Gua Sha

So, we’ve heard of Gua Sha for the face… but what about other places on the body? Recently, facial gua sha has become quite prevalent. Gua Sha uses a jade tool to lightly draw across the face, neck, and chest in certain patterns to move fluid retention, stimulate microcirculation, release tight face muscles, soften wrinkles,

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Body Tension

Body Tension – Where do you hold yours? Body tension – where do you hold yours? Common places I see tension are: It could be from… In any case, Chinese medicine aims to figure out where it stems from so we can not only relieve those tight muscles but also prevent them from returning! Often

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Living with bursitis can be a daily struggle… with persisting discomfort, intense sharp pains, and decreased range of mobility. Bursitis occurs when a small fluid-filled sac near a joint is inflamed and swollen. This impedes on the bones, tendons, and muscles nearby, causing pain with certain movements. Bursitis most commonly occur in the shoulder, hip,

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Calf Injuries and the World Cup

A Chinese Medicine Perspective on Calf Injuries World Cup fever is here, with the final fast approaching, combined with school holidays, families are outside kicking soccer balls around. It is wonderful to see. The downside of all the activity, is the possibility of calf injuries, for example.  the gastrocnemius muscle (calf muscle) is a muscle located at the

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain in can present in many different areas and with varying intensity.  Chronic pain, usually present for a number of months, is often the result a specific injury, such as: lower back muscle strain or disc damage arthritis sciatic pain nerve impingement But it also might happen because of a treatment or procedure. An

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When you are reaching for your next coffee, perhaps stop and ask yourself “what is your body really trying to tell you?” If you’re tired and looking for an energy boost, I suggest you try 15 minutes of lying down with your eyes closed, that’s what I do. Alternatively, try a five minute walk with some deep belly breathing. Oxygen always helps fatigue.

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Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason! It is a celebrity-approved facial treatment that can transform ageing, acne-prone, scarred, and uneven skin tone. As a painless alternative to the injection of chemicals, laser and other invasive procedures, cosmetic acupuncture is relaxing and 100% natural. You may be asking, what

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COVID-19 New Protocols

We are open for acupuncture appointments! To keep you safe, happy and healthy we have introduced some extra measures in clinic and wanted to share them with you. New protocols include: One person only in the waiting room. People are to wait outside until ushered in. Everyone who enters is required to sanitise there hands.

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Dill and Cucumber Salad

This Dill and Cucumber Salad is the perfect summer side salad! This Dill and Cucumber Salad is the perfect summer side dish. Not only is it delicious, but it also has medicinal properties as well! In terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the cucumber is known for its cool nature, giving it the ability to

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Dry needling vs Acupuncture

Dry needling vs Acupuncture: What’s the difference between acupuncture and dry needling? Dry needling is the practice of inserting needles into myofascial trigger points. This causes the muscle to twitch, contract and release, allowing for decreased muscle tightness, increased blood flow and the reduction of pain. It is mainly used for muscle pain, sports injuries,

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How does TCM approach endometriosis? Firstly, the symptoms of endometriosis. They can have a widespread impact on your daily wellbeing, including social, physical, and mental activities. Common symptoms of Endometriosis Because this condition is so multi-faceted and can present differently symptom-wise in each person, the treatment approach should also present differently for each person. In

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Exercise and your menstrual cycle

For ladies who like to exercise in a more vigorous (yang) style, it may be important to tailor your exercise program with your menstrual cycle to improve your health. Below is an outline of what is happening to your body during your cycle, and how to exercise to help avoid injury and maintain good health.

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Feb Fast could turn to Miserable March!

Feb Fast Detox is certainly the buzz word for the beginning of the year. Throughout the summer we put our body through its paces with more rich food, alcohol and often less exercise. Come February we feel bloated, sluggish and foggy in the head, desperate to detox, vent, clear and purge. And so the ‘Feb

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Feeling Phlegmy

Have you been feeling that extra bit phlegmy lately? For those of us who are feeling like our immune systems have been in over drive and are now dealing with all the lingering joys like phlegm and mucous. Let’s dive a bit deeper into why we sometimes feel especially phlegmy… Why are we still phlegmy?

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Festive Eating Guide

The festive eating season is here yet again. So let’s talk about an issue very close to my stomach, and that’s over eating. It’s not uncommon during this period to eat until we are feeling physically unwell. What can I do to avoid the trauma of overindulgence? It is hard during the festive eating season

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Get To Know Our New Practitioner, Michelle!

We are delighted to introduce you to you one of the newest members of the Gardenvale TCM team, Michelle! Michelle is an extremely passionate and knowledgeable practitioner that and we are thrilled to have join our team. Michelle is a registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist. Michelle’s commitment to incorporating both traditional and modern knowledge encouraged

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Hair Thinning

Traditional Chinese medicine offers a unique perspective on hair thinning by focusing on understanding the interconnectedness of the body’s systems. Let’s explore how we view hair growth/loss and holistic approaches to achieving those healthy full locks! TCM views hair as an extension of Blood. Blood in TCM encompasses not only blood, but also fluids, nutrients,

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Healthy breath healthy body

Something I get asked a lot in clinic is what can I do at at home to help with stress, pain due to injury, gut issues perhaps? The answer is healthy breathing. Dr Belisa Vranich has a great book ‘Breathe’ that goes in to detail on how breathing works. How to retrain yourself to breathe

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Hormonal changes in teenage years

Hormonal changes in teenage years Teenage years are challenging enough as it is, but the hormonal changes that come with them can sometimes only add to the stress of navigating this period of life. The novel influx of hormones only adds to the angst of navigating the teenage years – mood swings, acne, body changes,

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Let’s not let IBS dictate our lives anymore! Get to a place where we don’t blink an eye at garlic, onions, lentils, and beans. The bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, and abnormal bowel movements can make a good time feel crummy. Since the digestive system is directly linked with the nervous system, regulating its functions is

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Immune Support

Sleep Research has shown that a good nights sleep will assist with many health concerns including immune support.  In Chinese medicine we talk about sleep being yin in nature. Sleep allows: Our body to restore Our organs to relax Allows the blood to fill through the muscles It allows our nervous system to calm down

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Inflammation is something that comes up quite a lot in clinic. So let’s dive in to learn a little bit more about it, and some ways that we can try to minimise it in our daily lives. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to protect itself from harm. It involves the activation of immune cells,

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Injuries in the winter

Have you noticed that you seem to get more injuries in the winter? Let’s discuss why that might be happening… Winter is here, with all the joys that come with it, including an influx of old injuries playing up (and new ones). Which begs to question… are we more susceptible to injuries in colder weather?

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Jet Lag

Jet lag is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder that happens when your internal body clock is out of sync with the external environment. This commonly happens during travel between time zones, but can also happen to night shift workers. The disorientation, fatigue, and general sense of grogginess can take a toll on your body and

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Let’s talk about Libido

Let’s talk about Libido… I think the time has come, so let’s talk about Libido. Low libido essentially means low sex drive, but it can also be associated with no sex drive or not being able to get or sustain an erection. However, that issue could also be referred to as erectile dysfunction. They have different terms,

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Let’s talk about sex… and baby making.

We spend most of lives in fear of getting pregnant, but now it’s now time to clear up some questions about the birds and the bees. Please send through any other questions you have, there is no such thing as a silly question. When should we have sex? Most women who I see have been

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Lingering Pathogen

The concept of a ‘lingering pathogen’ has been around for a long time in Chinese Medicine. It applies when you haven’t been able to shake that cold or flu, or you haven’t fully recovered or simply not felt quite right since getting a ‘bug’ a few months ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), using the modalities

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain…. truly a pain in the backside! Careers where you spend a long time bent over at a desk, poor posture, and stress can all contribute to back stiffness, tension, and aching. However, acupuncture is here to help. Our main goals through treatment are to: and Within one session, you should feel immediate

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Male Menopause

Hi it’s Jane and Nick from Gardenvale Chinese Medicine. When it comes to menopause, we women have to deal with dry, irritated vaginas, night sweats, irritability and so forth… I thought male menopause meant you get to date young girls and drive motorbikes. But Nick would like to talk to us today about this very

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Meet The Newest Member of Gardenvale TCM, Liah!

We are so please to introduce you to the newest member of the Gardenvale TCM team, Liah! Liah brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our community and we are excited to have her join the team this month. Liah is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner and Dispenser. Liah’s commitment to fusing the

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Men’s Health

Here is a little something about how sperm is made, some tips so you can make it better for conception, some advice so you can avoid conception and a joke. How is sperm made? Sperm are made in the male gonads (testes). These organs hang outside the scrotum as sperm like to be kept a

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Men’s Health & Circulation

How are you doing?No, how are you really doing?  Did anyone know during the month of June we had Men’s Health week? No? Well, I’m not surprised. We don’t really like to talk about it. But that’s the problem right there. So I thought I’d have a little rant about health in a way the chaps might find

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Menopause Part 1

Menopause – Part 1 Nick and Zoe sit down to introduce the concept of Menopause. In part 1 of 3, they begin by discussing what Menopause actually is. Stay posted for parts 2 and 3 to follow!

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Menopause, a Chinese medicine perspective!

Menopause As women, we will have approximately 500 periods in our lifetime. Our periods begin between the ages of 10-18. We continue to menstruate until menopause (the change of life) begins at the age of 45-55. Menopause represents a hormonal change in the female physiological process. Certain levels of hormones such as oestrogen will not

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Movement matters

Movement matters, but sometimes we feel too strapped for time to get in some exercise. Or sometimes, we just feel too low on energy to move. It is so easy to get caught up in our busy lives that we don’t set time aside for any movement whether its stretching, walking or exercise of another

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