Helping you feel and look energised and rejuvenated
Cosmetic acupuncture uses the approach of treating from the inside out, to help you feel and look energised and rejuvenated. Essentially by improving circulation to a specific area, this can revitalise the tissue and it just might help slow down that ageing process.
Unlike other treatments, which usually involve the injection of chemicals to change how the muscles contract in your face, acupuncture is a process which can naturally help your skin look healthier, smoother, and younger. Cosmetic acupuncture will both focus on the overall health of the body which has a flow on effect to the skin and target specific areas with stimulating techniques. So, in essence with this treatment you get the best of both approaches. To watch Zoe run through what to expect during an appointment click here.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is not claimable with private health.
Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture
- Help in crease circulation to your face
- Full body treatments in conjunction to bring that glow from the inside out
- Help to increase energy and relax the body
- It’s chemical free
Cosmetic Acupuncture has a 3-step process
Step 1
Local needling to the areas of concern, usually the face, scalp, or other specific scar tissue.
Step 2
Gua sha (a form of stimulatory massage) or cupping to these same areas.
Step 3
Regular acupuncture to help constitutional health and balance. Your face and skin will reflect what’s happening on the inside so it’s essential to address both.
Want to know exactly what to expect in an appointment? Check out this video blog!
For more information please reach out to us or to book an appointment please click here.