These blogs reflect a Chinese medicine perspective of some conditions, with handy hints to help at home.  If you have any questions please get in touch.

Acupuncture & Stress

Acupuncture….the best stress hack!????????? If you have been keeping up to date on our insightful blogs, we recently talked about what stress is, and how it impacts our health. Some ways stress impacts us are good, like if you are being chased by a tiger. Some of them are bad if that tiger chases you

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Acupuncture for Stiff Joints

Tired of waking up with stiff, achy joints that make simple movements a challenge? Acupuncture might hold the key to unlocking improved joint mobility and relieving discomfort. Let’s explore how acupuncture can help alleviate stiff joints and improve overall joint health. Understanding Stiff Joints: Stiff joints can result from various factors: age, injury, overuse, inflammation,

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Arthritis Acupuncture is a whole-body, whole-system medicine that may support both the cause and symptoms of arthritis using an integrative approach. There are many different kinds of arthritis, with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis being the most common. What are the main differences between these three conditions? Do we approach these differently? The short

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Benefits of Belly Breathing

What are the benefits of Belly Breathing, and why do we suggest it to most of our patients? What exactly are the benefits of Belly Breathing? Why do we need to do it, and how do we ensure we breathe deeply into our bellies? Keep reading… Diaphragmatic breathing Deep belly breathing, also known as diaphragmatic

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A very common complaint in the clinic so let’s chat about it. Bloating has become one of those symptoms that we have all experienced at some point and for some, it has almost become a way of life. With all the new foods and drinks introduced to our diet alongside the weight of social/emotional/physical stressors

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Blood Glucose

Blood Glucose & Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine is founded on a concept of balance, balance between the Yin and the Yang. This concept applies to everything beyond just Yin and Yang, and included in that is the balance of blood glucose. In this blog, we explore the significance of blood glucose and how its fluctuations

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Body Tension

Body Tension – Where do you hold yours? Body tension – where do you hold yours? Common places I see tension are: It could be from… In any case, Chinese medicine aims to figure out where it stems from so we can not only relieve those tight muscles but also prevent them from returning! Often

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Calf Injuries and the World Cup

A Chinese Medicine Perspective on Calf Injuries World Cup fever is here, with the final fast approaching, combined with school holidays, families are outside kicking soccer balls around. It is wonderful to see. The downside of all the activity, is the possibility of calf injuries, for example.  the gastrocnemius muscle (calf muscle) is a muscle located at the

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain in can present in many different areas and with varying intensity.  Chronic pain, usually present for a number of months, is often the result a specific injury, such as: lower back muscle strain or disc damage arthritis sciatic pain nerve impingement But it also might happen because of a treatment or procedure. An

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Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Chronic pain, something many of us have or currently deal with, is a challenge! Not only a physical one, but also mental and emotional. So when is it considered chronic? When it has persisted beyond normal tissue healing time. According to the international association it’s generally 3 months… but I would consider a

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Feeling Phlegmy

Have you been feeling that extra bit phlegmy lately? For those of us who are feeling like our immune systems have been in over drive and are now dealing with all the lingering joys like phlegm and mucous. Let’s dive a bit deeper into why we sometimes feel especially phlegmy… Why are we still phlegmy?

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Injuries in the winter

Have you noticed that you seem to get more injuries in the winter? Let’s discuss why that might be happening… Winter is here, with all the joys that come with it, including an influx of old injuries playing up (and new ones). Which begs to question… are we more susceptible to injuries in colder weather?

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Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance & Women’s Health Keeping in theme of Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances, let’s look a bit at Insulin Resistance. What it is, why it happens and what it can turn into… What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin resistance (IR) occurs when the body’s cells stop responding efficiently to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood

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Let’s talk about Libido

Let’s talk about Libido… I think the time has come, so let’s talk about Libido. Low libido essentially means low sex drive, but it can also be associated with no sex drive or not being able to get or sustain an erection. However, that issue could also be referred to as erectile dysfunction. They have different terms,

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Liver Detox

The Liver Detox, is it a thing?  I know you may be thinking, why am I, as an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, debunking the “Liver Detox”, one of the most common concepts in the alternative/complementary health field?  Well, it’s just that we have a sophisticated detoxifying organ on board already. It doesn’t really need any

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain…. truly a pain in the backside! Careers where you spend a long time bent over at a desk, poor posture, and stress can all contribute to back stiffness, tension, and aching. However, acupuncture is here to help. Our main goals through treatment are to: and Within one session, you should feel immediate

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Men’s Health & Circulation

How are you doing?No, how are you really doing?  Did anyone know during the month of June we had Men’s Health week? No? Well, I’m not surprised. We don’t really like to talk about it. But that’s the problem right there. So I thought I’d have a little rant about health in a way the chaps might find

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Menopause – Part 3

Menopause – Part 3 – How can we help? So, we’ve discussed what Menopause is. We went through some common signs and symptoms, and some less common signs and symptoms. Now, for Part 3 where Nick and Zoe discuss how we can help with your peri-menopause or menopause symptoms. For part 1 click here and

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Menopause Part 1

Menopause – Part 1 Nick and Zoe sit down to introduce the concept of Menopause. In part 1 of 3, they begin by discussing what Menopause actually is. Stay posted for parts 2 and 3 to follow!

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Menopause Part 2

Menopause Part 2 – Signs & Symptoms In part 2 of this 3 part mini series, Nick and Zoe discuss symptoms of menopause. They talk about not only the common symptoms we hear a lot about but also about some less common symptoms that we tend to see in the clinic. Click here for part

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Migraines, it’s easy to not take them seriously because its not a visible symptom but they can have a bigger impact than meets the eye! Migraines can feel like a never-ending battle – forcing you to either avoid the activities you love or be stopped in your tracks from the severe pain and debilitating symptoms.

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Nervous System, Gut, and Pain

Nervous System, Gut, and Pain How does our nervous system really affect our gut and why does it have a link to chronic pain? Well, the nervous system has a central role in regulating our gut health and any chronic pain we experience. There is a direct communication pathway between the brain and the gut.

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Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions Acupuncture and neurological conditions – how can it help? Neurological conditions can stem from vascular, neuromuscular, infection, autoimmune, psychological, trauma, and neural development conditions. Depending on the condition, common symptoms can be: Although our intention is alleviating symptoms, our goal is to focus on your underlying pattern, treating the root imbalance. I find

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Part 1 Nick and Zoe sit down to discuss Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome as part of our deep dive into Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances. In this 3 part series they will discuss the what, why, how and what’s next of PCOS. For part 1, explaining what PCOS is and how it

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Part 2

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Part 2 Nick and Zoe sit down to discuss Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Part 2) as part of our deep dive into Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances. In this 3 part series they will discuss the what, why, how and what’s next of PCOS. Watch part 2 below where Nick and Zoe

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Part 3

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Part 3 Nick and Zoe sit down to discuss Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Part 3) as part of our deep dive into Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances. In this 3 part series they will discuss the what, why, how and what’s next of PCOS. Part 3 is the final part of this

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Scar and Wound Healing

Scar and Wound Healing We can learn a lot about our health through our skin, especially if we notice that we are easy to get little nicks and scrapes, or the healing process isn’t as neat or quick as we’d like it to be. So, let’s chat about scar and wound healing. It’s normal for

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Signs of Heat

Signs of Heat As we move through Spring and into the early days of Summer, I am seeing plenty of signs of heat in the clinic. It’s the dormant seed in us wiggling out of the ground and sprouting, stretching its arms and getting things flowing inside. With that and the warmer weather comes Heat.

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Sinuses dripping or blocked?

Sinuses dripping or blocked? A heavy full head, unclear thinking, a groggy mind, constantly holding onto tissues… dripping or blocked sinuses affects our work, our social lives, and our physical and mental wellbeing. How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine help? We look into why your sinuses are excessively filling up and target the root cause.

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Stress, stress, stress We hear it all the time, but what is it?  Why, unless we are being chased by a bear, stress is not so helpful for our longevity. I think we are all aware that through the evolution of our species we designed certain mechanisms to protect us in times of danger. So, if

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Supplements for Fertility

Do you need to be taking supplements for fertility? And if so, which ones? As anyone who has struggled to conceive knows, infertility can be a hard journey with many treatment possibilities. But, one factor that may boost your chances can be relatively simple: your diet. Micronutrients you get through food or supplements play a

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The Ideal Period…

So, what does the ideal period actually look like?  When it comes to periods, our information may be relative to our own experiences or what we hear from friends and family. I’m here to share with you my idea of the ideal period! First off, understand your bleed. Volume: A light period can require less

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The Luteal Phase

Phases of the Menstrual Cycle Part 3: The Luteal Phase We’ve been talking about the phases of the cycle on here. We’ve touched on menstruation, the follicular phase and ovulation, now last but not least, is the Luteal. Now this phase of our cycle can certainly be the cause of lots of anguish for everyone

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The Prostate Gland

The Prostate Gland In A Nutshell What’s it all about then? The prostate gland, a small but significant part of the male reproductive system. Even though we may hear about it, it’s common for us not to really know what it is and does and why it can be problematic. What does the prostate gland

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TMJ Syndrome

Let’s talk TMJ, the temporomandibular joint Let’s talk about TMJ, TMJ syndrome and what you can do to manage symptoms. TMJ syndrome can be a real hassle, but there are ways to manage it and find relief. It’s a common condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles and many can have it without

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Vulvodynia… ever heard of it? Vulvodynia is not a very well known condition and most people have never heard the word before. So, let’s talk it through a bit. Not a name known to many, vulvodynia is a chronic condition of the vagina involving pain and possibly burning sensations of the vulva. The pain is

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We need to talk about ‘Stress’

We need to talk about ‘Stress’! In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a constant presence in our lives. While a little stress can help us stay alert and focused, chronic stress can lead to profound impacts on our physical and emotional well-being. Stress is a natural response from the body in response to challenges or threats.

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Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances

Hi everyone! Nick and Zoe here to introduce our topic of focus for the next few weeks… Women’s Health & Hormonal Imbalances. We’ll get into what hormonal imbalances actually means, what symptoms we may expect to see and how we can go about re-balancing the body. You can read below for a written summary of

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