Meditation debunked!

Meditation Debunked!

As you’ve likely seen me write and talk about meditation and breath work many times over in the past, I think it’s safe to say I am very passionate about it. Meditation is an easy and reliable tool that we have access to for free, any time, any where. So, I thought it’s time to debunk some of the reasons stopping you from meditating.

Top 5 reasons not to meditate debunked! Does one of these resonate with you?

1. “I Don’t Have Time” –  You don’t need to sit in the lotus position in a cave for 3 hours a day.  Just set your phone to 5 minutes, yes there is still a huge benefit ? Research 

2. “I Can’t Stop My Thoughts” – You’re not supposed to.  Our brains are programmed to think.  Just be aware of your thoughts and come back to the breath.  

3. “It Feels Uncomfortable” – Nothing worthwhile is super easy.  Sometimes leaning into the discomfort is where you find the gold.  

4. “I’m Not Doing It Right” –  Just doing it, is doing it right.  As soon as your thoughts take you away, bring them back to the breath.  You might do this 100 times in 5 minutes and that’s meditating?. 

5. “I Don’t See Immediate Results” – When was the last time this happened ?.   If you are consistent you will start to feel a little better.  

Let’s Keep it Simple

  • Set your phone timer for 5 minutes. Increase the time if you are getting the vibe. 
  • Sit comfortably upright, close your eyes or keep them open
  • Focus on breathing in & out, through the nose or mouth, breath into the belly or keep it light & shallow. 
  • When a thought or 1000 of them comes into your mind, just say to yourself “hey I’m thinking”, and bring it back to the breath. 

That’s it, you’re meditating.

– Nick

For more on meditation and breathing, Click here to check out another one of Nick’s blogs!

Published on March 6, 2025