Sinuses dripping or blocked?

A heavy full head, unclear thinking, a groggy mind, constantly holding onto tissues… dripping or blocked sinuses affects our work, our social lives, and our physical and mental wellbeing.

How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine help?

  • Clear your sinuses!
  • Reduce the phlegm production
  • Improve your defence energy to allergens and weather conditions
  • Reduce inflammation locally and generally
  • Strengthen your overall energy

We look into why your sinuses are excessively filling up and target the root cause. We want to get to the root of why this keeps happening, instead of offering a bandaid solution to hold you off until next season. As winter is coming to an end, it is a great time to focus on building up your defence system. Especially if you are sensitive to that Spring pollen that is ever looming!

As part of my approach, I like to focus on your gut, ensuring it’s processing your fluids effectively. The aim is to prevent mucous production and ensure fluids are being used to hydrate your throat, skin, and organs instead.

I also will target any tension or stress in the body, which may be impeding circulation or energy to the head. Aiding to sweep the mind physically and possibly mentally to make space for clear thinking.

What might a treatment look like?

  1. We’ll dive into your history, triggers, diet, and lifestyle, and tie these together to try and understand why your sinuses keep filling up.
  2. Then I’ll perform a gentle needling process to direct the body to focus on clearing your sinuses and strengthening your related body systems.
  3. I will make up your personalised prescribed herbs while you rest for 20 minutes in a warm and cosy room (nap time!) and then send you off with some education.

Give us a call or click here to book in!

– Michelle

Our practitioner Michelle who wrote a blog about Sinuses dripping or blocked
Published on August 13, 2024